Collaboration videos

I started my “Flipping” journey in 2012.  The videos and assignments I have used in this journey have changed over the years.  Last year I changed my “Slabbing” assignment from a house project to a village project.  The village project requires students to work as a group to create a village using slabbing as the technique they work on.  This has turned out to be one of the students favorite project and we have seen lots of fun villages including Ewok to SpongeBob.  The focus of this assignment is collaboration.

This year I have also collaborated in the teaching of my class.  I will be teaching two sets and my partner will be teaching the third set.  Consistent with good flipping we just finished revising all the videos I used in the class to include her in those videos.  This page includes all those revised videos.  These will be used for the first time in Fall Semester of 2017.  I have left the older video on the Video page.

Collaboration really does work.  By working together I believe we produced better videos.

Watch both and let me know what you think.

Collab – Artificial Intelligence

Collab – Flipping and Responsibility

Collab – Tour of Classroom

Collab – Tools

Collab – Stages of Clay

Collab – Glazing

Collab – Slabbing Machine

Collab – Wedging

Collab – Seat and Rack Marker Project

Collab – Empty Bowls Project

Collab – Coiling Project

Collab – Slabbing Project the Village

Collab – Sculpting Project the Head

Collab – Throwing Project

Collab – Trimming your Throwing Project